s body was found in our jurisdiction. A deputy captain and 16 police officers from our branch’s criminal police brigade joined the task force to participate in the investigation. We made 519 records of inquiries alone. All people related to Du Menghai, especially the murdered girl, have been investigated and confirmed with alibi. Even the activities of the sweeping lady in Newport Garden and the security guard at the door have been implemented. It is easier to handle if there is a clear witness, but if there is no clear witness The only option is to review the surveillance, and then cross-compare and authenticate the testimony of other indirect witnesses who cannot directly prove the person under investigation until the alibi of the person can be determined. To put it bluntly, in order to find the person who mutilated the child We really tried our best to kill the murderer.”

s body was found in our jurisdiction. A deputy captain and 16 police officers from our branch’s criminal police brigade joined the task force to participate in the investigation. We made 519 records of inquiries alone. All people related to Du Menghai, especially the murdered girl, have been investigated and confirmed with alibi. Even the activities of the sweeping lady in Newport Garden and the security guard at the door have been implemented. It is easier to handle if there is a clear witness, but if there is no clear witness The only option is to review the surveillance, and then cross-compare and authenticate the testimony of other indirect witnesses who cannot directly prove the person under investigation until the alibi of the person can be determined. To put it bluntly, in order to find the person who mutilated the child We really tried our best to kill the murderer.”
A person who has been busy all day will feel very uncomfortable when he is suddenly free.
/Han Bo is in this situation now. He stayed in Donghai for two days and returned to his hometown in Sihe for four days. His heart is empty and he doesn’t know what to do.
Several old comrades were in trouble. Han Bo realized that something was going on, and simply suggested: “Old Cheng, Old Wang, eat first, and then talk after eating. In fact, I don’t have an intuitive impression just listening to what you said. You should still take a look. Materials, look at the body, look at the scene.”
/“Director Han, you are on vacation.”
“Idle time is idle, let me see if I can help you with reference.” Han Bo raised his chopsticks and urged the three of them to eat quickly, and he was very serious. Added: “And the Nangang City Bureau is my natal family. How can I sit back and ignore difficult cases when my old unit encounters them, even though I may not be able to help.” I
knew you would be interested!
Cheng Wenming nodded and said nothing more.
None of them drank, so they ate very quickly. There were still two dishes left, but Han Bo and the other five had already finished their meal.
Depends on where the materials can go, of course to the criminal police detachment.
When Cheng Wenming finished paying the bill and walked to the parking lot together, Han Bo suddenly stopped and said, “Old Cheng, Suying, I don’t want your bureau leaders to know about my return. Don’t tell them, don’t alert them, okay?”
Can we do it together ? The people eating there are all real “homeboys” and know each other very well.
Cheng Wenming knew that he was afraid of trouble, so he looked at Zhou Suying and nodded again: “Han Bureau, we try to keep it as secret as possible, at least we will ensure that we will not tell the bureau leaders.” ”
Where are the others?”
“In the evening technical brigade There are not many people,” Zhou Suying thought for a while and then said with a wry smile: “But it seems not that easy to keep it secret. Yao Xingkuan is on duty in the office, Qu Chuanxi is in the forensic room, and Fang Hailong should be there too. His wife has returned t