dge in practical operations and details are unmatched by Wen Liang. After a few days of filling up the gaps in the conversation, both of them felt that they had gained a lot.

dge in practical operations and details are unmatched by Wen Liang. After a few days of filling up the gaps in the conversation, both of them felt that they had gained a lot.
Therefore, when Wen Huaiming put forward his own opinions on the current dilemma of state-owned enterprise reform in a discussion with economic experts, although he did not get a lot of approval and appreciation immediately, it also attracted enough attention. It is reported that Jiangdong University professor, doctoral supervisor, and famous Economist Mr. Han Chaoping expressed great agreement with some of Wen Huaiming’s reform theories in public . As a senior think tank of the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government and a guest of Yu Peidong and Wu Wenyue, once Han Chaoping’s words came out, Wen Huaiming’s words The weight of these three words is a little heavier.
Such an encounter, not to mention the small Qingzhou, even if we look at the entire Jiangdong Province, it has only happened to one person in the past ten years, so some people are jealous, some are jealous, some are scolding, and some are angry, but no matter what, everyone is involved in the game Everyone knows that as long as no big accident occurs, no one can stop this rising star from shining.
It’s the general trend!
Wen Huaiming put down the newspaper in his hand, sat on the sofa, and smiled bitterly at Niu Guiqing behind the desk: “This reporter’s article was better than Secretary Niu’s. In fact, this Shunyi case was only like this under your leadership.” , I just took a ride, and now the province is promoting it like this, I really deserve it.”
/Niu Guiqing laughed and said: “Without you standing up at the grain depot, it would be fine if there was no trouble. How could the case be successfully concluded? Besides, promoting you is also promoting our Qingzhou, and everyone is proud of it. If you really replace me, Lao Niu, take the photo The photos that come out will definitely be too horrible to look at. When the time comes, Secretary Xu won’t need to take pictures of the table, and I will have to hold my head while walking.” .”
Niu Guiqing is in charge of the work of the Discipline Inspection Commission. He is usually very unsmiling and a bit selfless, but he is always very gentle towards Wen Huaiming, and occasionally You can also make some little jokes.
Wen Huaiming naturally understood that it was because of Zuo Yuxi’s relationship that Niu Guiqing regarded him as one of his own, but he actually knew that what really happened was What plays a vital role in the bond is the tenderness and understanding that is increasingly invisible to me as a father.
“I was just lucky. I didn’t expect that the reporter from the provincial newspaper would take the photo and publish it without my consent.”
Niu Guiqing smiled slightly. He knew Wen Huaiming’s purpose of coming, but it was just to eliminate possible conflicts between the two. misunderstanding. The Shunyi grain case was so involved that it was unfathomable. He had no desire to jump into it, so