d to throw it away, but was stopped by Turion who came over. He said: “This man was still holding on to this jade pendant before he died. It’s not that simple to think about.” As he said this, he took out a red scroll to identify it!

d to throw it away, but was stopped by Turion who came over. He said: “This man was still holding on to this jade pendant before he died. It’s not that simple to think about.” As he said this, he took out a red scroll to identify it!
After the principal stopped giving information to the students, the appraisal scroll became a must-have for the students. A trace of the scroll and a white light shot into the jade pendant, but there was no reaction.
Seeing this scene, even Yin Kuang, who was about to take action, temporarily restrained himself.
/“I’ll try again with a higher-level scroll.” Tulian refused to give up and took out another appraisal scroll. This time it was indeed yellow. In the end, it was still useless. Afhra said: “It’s just a piece of broken jade pendant. Don’t waste the appraisal scroll. This guy is also a poor guy, let’s go.” Tulian was too lazy to pay attention to Afhra, and continued to take out the cyan appraisal scroll and tear it up decisively. But it was obvious that Tullion felt a little bit pained when he took out the blue identification scroll. But this time, the jade pendant started to move, emitting a soft light.
A voice came out:
“White-haired witch, give up grabbing the Ruyi Golden Cudgel and snatch the ‘Phoenix-breaking Hairpin’ from Jin Yanzi’s hand. This general will give you the wine of immortality. Without delay!”
It was the voice of the Jade War God!
“This, this” Afra couldn’t react at all.
Tulian also had a gloomy expression on his face, not knowing what he was thinking. Suddenly, his expression changed, and he shouted: “Be careful!” After saying that, with a “swish”, his figure disappeared without a trace.
Avra’s eyes widened.
At the right time, a purple sword arc reflected in her eyes.
/Afra let out a sharp scream of horror. The strong fatal crisis stimulated her body, and the fighting spirit violently erupted at this moment. Facts have proved that character Outbreaks are not just for the protagonist!
As soon as he retreated, he retreated more than ten meters.
The purple arc-shaped sword energy struck the ground and sank directly into the ground, leaving a dark “scar” on the ground.
Afra was so angry that he actually dared to attack her? But in an instant, she reacted with excitement: The opponent is very strong, not a rival! Because before that, neither he nor Tulian had sensed his presence, but they reacted instinctively when he delivered a fatal blow that truly threatened their lives.
“Damn Tulian!” Afra was filled with hatred. Turion is a person with awakened spatial powers. The so-called “awakened ones” refer to people who stimulate the potential in their bodies through stimulation rather than being strengthened by the principal. With his strength, he could have taken himself to teleport through space, but he didn’t. Instead, he escaped first. There was even the intention of keeping her here to contain the enemy. After all, he is a sex partner, but he is so heartless. How can he not make Afra angry?
Therefore, Afra was not prepared to fac