s that…” Staring at the broken part of the wooden house in stunned silence, the bloated middle-aged man said the last words of his life, and then his mouth was blocked by a large amount of dirty mud water formed by the mud ball that was suddenly smashed open. .

s that…” Staring at the broken part of the wooden house in stunned silence, the bloated middle-aged man said the last words of his life, and then his mouth was blocked by a large amount of dirty mud water formed by the mud ball that was suddenly smashed open. .
It was during this delay that Hong Feng shattered the light door and turned it into thousands of bright spots like fireflies, disappearing into the sky. After a while, the jungle returned to calm, as if nothing had happened.
At this time in the Tiantai Mountains, Zhang Lisheng’s “Leather World” had swallowed up a quarter of the divine kingdom left by Nuwa, and expanded to ten times its previous size. It gradually stopped swelling until there was only a millimeter of luster left. .
/“Have we reached the limit…” He held it tightly as if it had merged into one, but carefully rubbed the two layers of scale skin, one large and one small. Seeing that the piece of skin belonging to him was no longer expanding, God Wu Li murmured He muttered to himself and started thinking.
After a long time, he seemed to have connected a certain joint. He took a deep breath, closed his eyes and quietly felt the surging power of faith contained in another ‘world’. He dropped his scales and stretched out his hands.
When his palms were at the same level as his shoulders, Zhang Li opened his eyes sharply, his eyes flashing like stars, and he clenched the void with his hands in a tearing motion.
In an instant, the air in front of God Wu Li tore apart like a curtain. At the same time, hundreds of thousands of totem poles and statues in the world he ruled ignited into blazing flames.
The power of faith that had been accumulated for a long time turned into pure white brilliance and boiled into the sky. It gradually gathered into balls of light that were brighter than the stars that illuminated Wuli’s world. One by one, they passed through the cracks in the void and descended into the secret realm of Tiantai Mountain. He fell into Zhang Lisheng’s rotten leather world.
Wave after wave of halos flashed by, and the scales began to regain moisture bit by bit. After ten minutes, it became as vibrant as before it was swallowed up and merged with Nuwa Divine Kingdom.
But at this time, the flashing smoothness has not ended yet, it is still sweeping over the leather world over and over again, but it is no longer soaking into it, but slowly gathering on its surface.
After accumulating to a certain level, the power of faith flowed out overflowing and dispersed in the air, drifting towards the god Wu Li.
Just like humans eat a certain amount, the power of faith that gods can absorb every day has its limit. Even if Zhang Lisheng has ruled an entire ‘world’, he can only absorb the power of faith provided by two to three million believers. This is also He obviously has far more believers than the ancient gods, but his power is far inferior.
But when the power of faith emanating from the leather world came into contact with the god Wu Li, he was surprised to find that the power of f