if you don’t help us, don’t harm us! I will definitely share the benefits with you!” Jiang Shujun and Chen Hansi couldn’t help being shocked, and quickly persuaded Zheng Xiaoyi.

if you don’t help us, don’t harm us! I will definitely share the benefits with you!” Jiang Shujun and Chen Hansi couldn’t help being shocked, and quickly persuaded Zheng Xiaoyi.
Originally, they were already sure of victory. As long as Zheng Xiaoyi didn’t intervene, they could easily defeat the most powerful Xiao Rushi. But they really didn’t expect that Zheng Xiaoyi would not just sit back and watch, but intervened and decided to help Xiao Rushi!
Jiang Shujun’s chaos was just enough to restrain Xiao Rushi’s corpse pet, but Zheng Xiaoyi’s treatment was just enough to restrain Jiang Shujun’s chaos. The one was ebbing and the other was ebbing. It would not be so easy for them to kill Xiao Rushi again, and they would probably be killed by Xiao Rushi and Zheng Xiaoyi. Join forces to fight back.
“Why should I help Brother Xiao? Chen Hansi, you originally agreed to unite with Li Ridong, and Li Ridong confirmed it to me, but you killed him! You are so cunning! Jiang Shujun! Li Ridong didn’t resist anymore and agreed to hand over Everything, you want to kill him, this is too vicious! Only Brother Xiao has never changed after the alliance, and he also agreed to spare Li Ridong’s life. He is the real good person, of course I want to help him! “Zheng Xiaoyi answered Chen Hansi and Jiang Shujun righteously, and jointly attacked Jiang Shujun.
/“Sister Xiao Yi’s great kindness, Xiao will keep it in mind! I will repay it in the future!” Xiao Ru was extremely moved and thanked Zheng Xiaoyi repeatedly. At this critical moment, if Zheng Xiaoyi refused to help him, he would definitely die in Jiang Shujun’s hands. and Chen Hansi’s men.
“Sister Xiao Yi! He said he would repay you in the future. He wanted to repay you after he killed you. You saved his life, but he wanted to kill you and raped you. He is not a good person! Sister Xiao Yi, you have to think It’s clear! After Brother Jiang and I kill the man named Xiao, we will never harm you, and we will share the equipment and treasures equally with you!” Chen Hansi tried hard to convince Zheng Xiaoyi.
/“That’s right! Sister Xiao Yi, please think clearly. If you help him, you two may not win, but if you help us, he will definitely lose, and you will be on the winning side! I swear to you, you will definitely win. I won’t hurt you!” Jiang Shujun also persuaded Zheng Xiaoyi loudly.
“Don’t waste your breath! Sister Xiao Yi will not be bewitched by you two traitors!” Xiao Ru shouted loudly, and the Nine-Dragon Demon-Conquering Pestle in his hand hit Jiang Shujun even more fiercely.
Four players were fighting in one place. Jiang Shujun’s chaos was restrained by Zheng Xiaoyi’s treatment. Xiao Rushi and his corpse pet mutated zombies were extremely powerful. Although Zheng Xiaoyi did not have the ability to attack, his equipment was not bad. From time to time, she and Xiao Rushi could replenish their armor energy and continue fighting. Soon Chen Hansi and Jiang Shujun were at a disadvantage.
“Brother Xiao, please stop and listen to me! That’s the end of today’s matter! We are w