hree-hundred-year-old ginkgo tree is huge and overwhelming, just like the rising Zhongguancun Holding Group, with lush branches and leaves, and deep roots.

hree-hundred-year-old ginkgo tree is huge and overwhelming, just like the rising Zhongguancun Holding Group, with lush branches and leaves, and deep roots.
This is 2001, an era when only some state-owned enterprises can enjoy the rights of A-share listing.
In order to achieve his goal, Zhao Song used almost all methods, including interest exchange and other business methods.
Except to please!
Because he feels that if he owes that thing, he can’t pay it back; if he gives it to him, he can’t get it back!
But he didn’t know that at this point, some favors were not so easy to ask for.
He even ignored the influence of his companies!
Li Linna jumped out of bed, grabbed her cell phone and ran towards Zhao Song.
Time pauses.
The hand that was placed on the bathroom door handle had blue veins popping out!
at the same time.
Lulu Restaurant under the Ciyun Temple Bridge in the East Fourth Ring Road of Beijing.
The waiter wearing a fashionable cheongsam pushed open the largest business private room, and bursts of laughter suddenly came, accompanied by the ringing of the phone in the hand of the middle-aged man at the main seat.
“Hello, leader~”
/The middle-aged man stood up respectfully and made a gesture. The noise in the private room immediately subsided. Then, the middle-aged man quickly walked out of the door, as if he was looking for someone. A place where no one will disturb you.
Li Wei glanced at the middle-aged man’s back thoughtfully, then turned her head, reservedly picked up a piece of fruit from the plate in the waiter’s hand, and put it into her mouth.
“What do you think?”
Suddenly, a feminine voice sounded in my ear.
Li Wei turned her head and looked at her fiancé, who was dressed up and handsome, and asked with a smile:
“What are you looking at?”
“Zhao Song~”
the feminine and handsome man said angrily, “The curtain is about to close over there, and the communication that needs to be communicated has been completed. , then the negotiation team comes on stage. As long as Zhao Song still wants to make that bad idea, he should call you?”
“Zhan Liang!”
Li Wei called her fiancé’s name sarcastically, “Zhao Song, call me. What are you doing?”
Zhan Liang looked at his fiancée with a faint smile, and pointed around the private room with his finger:
“The room is full of people who are thinking about Shenzhou’s third share reform and Tesla shares. The people who are holding him back are all people you know. How can it be easier for you?”
Wei shook his head and said sadly,
“He won’t fight!
Don’t even ask for me, he didn’t even ask for help from the capital city leaders!” He smiled, showing his blinding white teeth:
“What, you regret it?”
“Yes, you regret it, what’s the matter!”
Li Wei raised her eyebrows and looked at her fiancé angrily!
“I regret it too!”
Zhan Liang said regretfully, not caring about Li Wei’s temper. “It would have been better if I had sold you to him. With that money, I could have found many girlfriends!”