ism on the arrow’s arrow will be activated and the arrow will open. , and then the toxins inside will flow into the body of the earth beast without any reservation.

ism on the arrow’s arrow will be activated and the arrow will open. , and then the toxins inside will flow into the body of the earth beast without any reservation.
The reason why I don’t smear poison on the surface of the arrow is because we are not dealing with ordinary animals, but earth beasts or even monsters. If we encounter the opponent spitting fire or spewing strong wind and water, then apply it on the arrow. The toxin on the surface of the arrow has basically gone out before it hits the opponent, but it is another matter to be wrapped inside the arrow. The toxins enough to kill an elephant all flow into the body of this huge wild boar. There was no reaction at first, but as the toxin started to feel more and more wrong, the reporter fell to the ground crookedly, foaming at the mouth, but the big guy with such tenacious vitality struggled for a long time and still couldn’t stand up again, my mouth After counting down the time, about ten seconds passed, and the wild boar completely stopped moving.
/It only takes three seconds from the time the poison arrow head is opened to the time the poisonous hair falls to the ground, but the time from the poisonous hair to the poisonous death is almost ten seconds, which means that it takes thirteen seconds to kill a demon, which seems very long. It’s short, but actually thirteen seconds can be said to be a very long time in a battle.
“Do you need to strengthen it? But it should be enough. If you add more venom, it will destroy the balance of the arrow and make it difficult to use.”
As I spoke, I aimed the crossbow arrow at the third wild boar, and the crazy wild boar grunted. It kept barking, and seeing two wild boars dying in front of it, it became even more violent, roaring and running towards me.
“Calm down and survive.”
I said softly. At this moment, four earth walls rose up to block the wild boar. I climbed up the earth wall at the same time and shot an arrow at the wild boar’s head. Thirteen seconds later, the wild boar Falling to the ground completely dead.
I put away the crossbow arrows and looked back at Tiegu who came out from behind the tree. The latter looked at me in surprise. After approaching me, he whispered: “I don’t want to fight with you.”
“You have this arrow in it?” What kind of poison is it? ”
Tiegu asked in surprise.
“This was done by Mr. Xu’s people. It seems to be the venom of a wild charm snake.”
The wild charm snake is recorded in “Mountain Monster Story”. It is a small snake that can grow up to seventy or eighty centimeters in length. In the earth beast world where giant beasts are everywhere, it is really He is an inconspicuous little man, but such a small man possesses the deadly weapons to kill these giant beasts. That is its venom. The venom of wild charm snakes is only secreted when they feel in danger, and the amount is surprisingly small, but even so. It only takes a tiny drop to kill an African elephant.
There is a story recorded in “Strange Tales of the Mountains”. During the Han Dynasty, the Silk Road was pros