l magician. Why are you so mentally retarded? I mean, do I want you not to do anything here?” I want you to talk it over. If you can’t agree, just get out. You can’t afford to offend others!

l magician. Why are you so mentally retarded? I mean, do I want you not to do anything here?” I want you to talk it over. If you can’t agree, just get out. You can’t afford to offend others!
Unfortunately, Rosmelin didn’t know what Richie was thinking. He just smiled and walked into the auction hall.
/“Damn, are you an idiot?” After watching Rosmelin leave, Richie cursed. , but after scolding him, he still couldn’t help but follow him.
In order not to be noticed by the young wizard, Rich deliberately sat in a seat a little further away. While chatting absently with a few acquaintances nearby, he stared at Rose in the distance without blinking. Merlin was afraid that he would accidentally cause a big disaster.
At this time, the auction had just begun. They were all relatively common things, such as common alchemy potions, inheritance-level magic weapons, various magic materials that were not rare, and so on. , Lin Yun looked at it for a while and showed no interest. He just chatted with William Merlin casually.
“By the way, cousin, do you know that guy outside just now?”
“That guy outside?” William Merlin was stunned for a moment, and then remembered: “Oh, you said that guy is covered in either gems or gold, he’s such a coquettish guy. The fatal Saren Charlotte? You know, you know, of course you know, the Merlin family and the Charlotte family have been sworn enemies for many years, but ever since Thornton Merlin came out and killed Fuson, the Charlotte family has been He has kept a low profile and has rarely participated in the battles between the major families in Auckland. However, in recent years, the Charlotte family does not know what kind of support it has received. Its strength has improved rapidly, and it has the intention of resurrecting. This is not “A few years ago, we organized a plane army to enter the Raging Flame Plane. That’s when Saren Charlotte and I met.”
“At that time, all the major forces in Auckland were involved in the Raging Flame Plane. To fight for the surface, the Charlotte family also sent out its own plane army, including Saren Charlotte. I was Leon Merlin’s deputy at the time and was responsible for attacking the Glory Fortress. As a result, I had just arrived at the Glory Fortress. , I found that this place has been occupied by the Charlotte family.”
/“You have seen what kind of character Leon Merlin is. How could he let the Huiyao Fortress fall into the hands of the Charlotte family and directly order an attack? At that time, this Saren Charlotte’s strength is actually about the same as mine. We fought for almost half an hour without deciding the outcome, and the result was that we were almost dead. After Leon Merlin led his people to seize the Glory Fortress, he passed by there and conveniently killed Sarencia. Lott was dealt with. Speaking of which, I was really wronged. Saren Charlotte didn’t dare to go against Leon Merlin and pestered me like a mad dog all day long. Before I came to Thousand Sails City, almost every few days “I ‘m going to be provoked by him