nd chatted, talked about life, and walked on the road late at night. From the first time we met, we were never seen by a third person. Fatty has also heard of Hugo’s name, and I said he was a friend. He also hopes to make an introduction when. But I never had his address or phone number, or even found him.

nd chatted, talked about life, and walked on the road late at night. From the first time we met, we were never seen by a third person. Fatty has also heard of Hugo’s name, and I said he was a friend. He also hopes to make an introduction when. But I never had his address or phone number, or even found him.
It seemed like a mystery, but it was a mystery that I admired and that I wanted to become.
/“Ba Xiaoshan” The voice in my ears changed. Hugo’s voice changed one after another, from sharp to deep, but every voice was related to me. Most of the auditory hallucinations heard in the brain fit together.
“These auditory hallucinations,” I whispered.
“Your brain started to have auditory hallucinations five years ago. At first you attributed this situation to the result of a reversal of luck, but have you ever thought about it, what if it was not because of the reversal of luck? It was me doing something to you. I just changed my voice to avoid being discovered by you, reminding you to avoid the impending danger. There was even a time when I had no choice but to take action temporarily and saved you from trouble in that brief moment. I’m using your body.” The more he said it, the more true it seemed to me, and fear began to well up in my heart.
This kind of fear comes from the sudden shattering of everything that was familiar to me in the past, and I feel as if there is a huge conspiracy surrounding my life, and this conspiracy happened silently, and there was no sign of it until the moment before it broke out. But when it really broke out. But it was too late.
He put away the mirror, walked to the chair in front of me and sat down.
/There was obviously a distance between us, but after knowing all this, I always felt that the distance between us suddenly disappeared. He was sitting in front of me but seemed to be right next to me.
“A person’s appearance will change over time. Flames, swords, and pistols can all change a person’s face. But there is only one thing that will not change. That is the soul. In fact, strictly speaking, we are different, you It’s not my reincarnation, nor am I a re-creation of your past. It’s just a coincidence that I fell into your soul. After being hit hard back then, I fell asleep deep in your memory, and this time my long sleep has passed. For twenty years. When I woke up, I tried to communicate with you, but the sudden appearance of auditory hallucinations soon caused you trouble and trouble. I found that this method could not reach you, so I started to create hallucinations. Hugo sitting in front of you. This face and appearance are who I used to be. ”
I couldn’t speak at first, and my whole mouth seemed to be frozen. Can’t speak. Can’t make any moves.
“Originally, I wanted to tell you the truth later. I didn’t mean any harm. If you want, we can share the same soul. I will be a part of your consciousness. I will use my previous skills to help you. But I didn’t expect that I would be forced out. In this case , I decided to tell you everything, and you can make your own decis