.” Wu Sheng suddenly sneered. A complex purple-black rune slowly lit up between his eyebrows. The moment the rune lit up, The injuries on his face immediately healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

.” Wu Sheng suddenly sneered. A complex purple-black rune slowly lit up between his eyebrows. The moment the rune lit up, The injuries on his face immediately healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.
Lin Xin felt a chill in his heart.
“Are we finally going to use the demonic body?”
It was almost like a resonance. A blood-red rune slowly lit up on his forehead.
At the same time as the runes lit up, all the injuries in his body began to heal quickly. It was estimated that he would be completely back to normal in less than ten breaths, reaching the peak state where he had never touched his hand at the beginning.
/Between the two of them, an invisible sense of oppression emerged again, squeezing the ground around them until it cracked again.
The walls of the pit have been compressed to an extremely high density by the explosion. It actually cracked open like glass.
“If possible, I really don’t want to activate the demon body, because it is too ugly.” Lin Xin slowly moved forward, walking towards Wusheng step by step.
Wu Sheng’s body broke free from the wall of the pit and slowly floated up. His eyes gradually turned into darkness. It was completely dark, not even the whites of his eyes.
“If possible, I don’t want to use this trick. Unfortunately, there are not so many ifs in this world. Even if people in the world can survive well, it is just a luxury. What’s more, we are waiting for the son of Youfu.”
Black lines began to appear all over his body, Tumor-like fleshy lumps began to appear on both arms. They were densely packed, as if they were covered with countless blisters.
Lin Xin’s side also had the same strange behavior.
His body began to gradually grow taller, and the muscles on his body were also twisting and rolling violently. Black and red scale-like things grew on the surface of his skin.
A white bone spur suddenly pierced Lin Xin’s back.
Then came the second, third, and fourth
bone spurs. More and more bone spurs protruded from his back, and soon formed a long back spur extending from top to bottom along the spine.
His back began to arch slightly, and the outer part of his thigh swelled, splitting two symmetrical holes, and two complex dagger-like bone spurs sprouted out of the holes.
The most exaggerated thing was his arms. Lin Xin’s forearms had hose-like muzzle-like things bulging out and attached to the outside of his forearms.
Each arm seemed to be tied with dozens of miniature gun barrels, but the green and black channels behind the barrels grew directly into the flesh of the body.
His ears grew into strange shapes like bat wings. At this time, it suddenly opened and made a crisp sound.
In less than ten breaths, Lin Xin suddenly transformed from a normal and handsome human being into a humanoid monster covered with black and red scales. From beginning to end, except for the slight trace of human beings on his face, the rest of his body was completely different. Nothing remotely normal.
“Is this the most terrifying original demon body of Yuandou Dem