. “What do you know? All city lords are personally awarded by the dynasty. Even if it’s just a small city, there are nobles who enfeoff the land. All nobles have enough power and manpower. It’s just a small city.” “

. “What do you know? All city lords are personally awarded by the dynasty. Even if it’s just a small city, there are nobles who enfeoff the land. All nobles have enough power and manpower. It’s just a small city.” ”
Fairy Si Jue is well-informed . , The boy is just a little bastard who has never seen the world, so he naturally doesn’t understand.” Zhao Ke was not angry, and smiled twice and glanced at Lin Xin. Seeing that he wasn’t angry because of Si Jue’s attitude, I felt relieved.
Lin Xin, however, took a rough look at Shih Richeng.
This small town is just a small city of a thousand people. It is considered good if it can house a thousand people. Most of the houses inside are made of wood and stone, which are considered sturdy. It’s just that almost every household has some animal skins or medicinal hay hanging outside. Obviously, most of the residents here moved in from the surrounding hunters or medicine farmers.
“Let’s go in first.” Lin Xin took the lead and rushed towards the city gate.
The other two followed suit.
/It’s just that Fairy Sijue followed him obediently, but Zhao Ke glanced around with his eyes, and it was obvious at a glance that he was unsettled.
Following a group of hunters entering the city, the entire Shiri City was filled with the smell of dried fur. Fairy Sijue frowned slightly and covered her nose.
Zhao Ke adapted quickly and looked towards Lin Xin in front of him, only to see that the senior’s expression remained unchanged, as if he had not smelled the strange smell at all.
He was immediately impressed. When he came here for the first time, he couldn’t help but hold his nose for a long time before he got used to it.
Perhaps this kind of strong endurance is the key to the senior’s strength.
Suddenly something dawned on him.
The three of them walked along the street, bypassing the fur hunters setting up stalls on the ground, and Zhao Ke led the way. After walking around for a few streets, they finally arrived at a three-story building. In front of the big drug store.
Several red-clothed officers with white belts walked out of it. They all had heroic figures, strong feet and impressive eyesight.
/“It’s a white belt!” Zhao Ke suddenly reminded in a low voice.
The Four Jue Fairies also looked condensed.
The White Belt is a privileged organization under the Red Ridge Sect. It is a dynasty force in name, but in fact it is an intelligence assassination organization completely controlled by the leader of the Red Ridge Sect.
“There must be nothing good happening where the white belt is.”
Si Jue said bitterly.
“Does the Red Ridge Sect have a bad reputation?” Lin Xin asked casually, his eyes flickering as he watched the white belts move away.
“He can only pretend to be a ghost and win people’s hearts. He is obviously a member of the devil’s path, but he still acts like a decent person and helps the poor. It’s just hypocrisy and disguise!” Si Jue said coldly.
“That means he has a good reputation?” Lin Xin nodded slightly.
“When did you hear me say that your re