ang developed, especially when he served as the party committee secretary of Laoliangzhuang Township, Lao Lu did not dare to offend the cadres of Xin’an. After Liangzhuang developed, he began to look down on the cadres of Xin’an. He immediately recognized the police commissioner of Laoliangzhuang. Ning Yi’an, who was in the same position as Li Shun, couldn’t help but frown: “The former Liuxia police station chief, why did he come here?”

ang developed, especially when he served as the party committee secretary of Laoliangzhuang Township, Lao Lu did not dare to offend the cadres of Xin’an. After Liangzhuang developed, he began to look down on the cadres of Xin’an. He immediately recognized the police commissioner of Laoliangzhuang. Ning Yi’an, who was in the same position as Li Shun, couldn’t help but frown: “The former Liuxia police station chief, why did he come here?”
He is not only snobbish, but also very vindictive.
At that time, Liuxia Town was a “street” and Liangzhuang was a “countryside”. As a “countryside” party secretary, he was completely shorter than the “street” party secretary. Moreover, Liangzhuang really wanted to develop its economy. It is necessary to take advantage of the location advantage of being close to Liuxia, so when you see Liuxia cadres, you must smile and say good things.
Later, the Liangzhuang Public Security Joint Defense Team caught a gambler and crossed the border, and went to the other side of the river to arrest a cadre from Liuxia Town. The relationship between the two families became very tense for a long time. For a long time, the Liuxia Police Station did not allow young women who married into Liuxia to do anything. Lao Lu has always been worried about settling down.
The more Han Bo thought about it, the funnier he got. He stood up hurriedly and said, “It should be me, Secretary Lu. I’m sorry, but today I want to lend flowers to the Buddha and your wine to entertain old friends.”
“What are you sorry for? I’m not an outsider. Waiter, Tianyi A pair of bowls and chopsticks.”
“Xiao Lei, you are the guest of honor today, don’t move, I will come over.”
/Lao Lu has many friends, and Han Bo also has many friends.
For Lao Lu, staying at the Fugui Hotel was just like being at home. He called his wife over at the top of his lungs and asked him to add another table. He was supposed to treat the guests himself but instead let him take care of them, which made Han Bo and Li Xiaolei very embarrassed. .
The “uninvited guests” that surprised Han Bo the most were not Ning Yi’an and other police officers, but a big boss and a small boss.
Once the clothes and the horse rely on the saddle, the “thief monkey” is really prosperous!
Wearing a suit and leather shoes, oily hair and powdered noodles, using the latest mobile phone, and wearing soft Chinese, he not only sneaked in ahead of Lao Lu to find the rich sister-in-law to buy today’s order, but even walked to the front stage with a wine glass (for a wedding) For the ceremony), he said sincerely: “Dear Secretary Lu, respected County Magistrate Jiao, respected leaders and guests, I would like to take this opportunity to say a few words from my heart.” ”
Mr. Li, you drank too much. ”
Li Gu, come down. Today is not the time for you to fool around, and this is not the occasion for you to fool around.”
Not everyone knows about being an informant. This is also for his safety. The two villagers in Laoliangzhuang The old comrades from enterprises and public institu