n qualities. He has a violent tendency, and he has indeed destroyed things and hurt people, but that was during the onset period, and killing people is not an easy task for him.”

n qualities. He has a violent tendency, and he has indeed destroyed things and hurt people, but that was during the onset period, and killing people is not an easy task for him.”
/Lao Ning came to his senses and asked with a look of surprise: “Political Commissar Zhou, you mean He is not sick now, is he normal now?”
“I was not sure yesterday, but now I am sure that he is not in the period of illness. Judging from the case materials, introductions from comrades in the detention center, and last night’s visit and inquiry, his condition has been relatively stable for more than a month. , his mind is relatively clear and he has a certain degree of self-control.”
“Is there really someone framing the blame?” ”
Mental illness is not another disease. Psychiatrists rely solely on empirical analysis or exclusion. To put it bluntly, they are just guessing.” The case is unclear and the facts are unknown. Zhou Suying did not intend to make this mental evaluation.
They racked their brains to analyze the case. Zhang Dayong suddenly remembered a place, pointed to the gate beside a small river in the south of the road and said happily: “Commander, arsenal, arsenal!”
There is a small bungalow next to the gate. There is a transformer on the bungalow, and underneath the bungalow There is a water channel, there are no wires on the transformer, and there are overgrown weeds around the water channel. It should be a long-abandoned flood control and drought relief facility.
“Let’s go to the arsenal.”
Of course I wanted to take a look when I came. Xiao Ding waved his hand, holding a gun made of tree branches and wearing a “telegraph machine”, and led the army commander and division commander to rush forward.
The division commander’s “defensive measures” were too good and he planted several “landmines” in front of the position. He obviously came to this place often, urinated and defecated everywhere, and accidentally stepped on a pile. Fortunately, it had been long enough and it was already hard. If he had defecated yesterday, he would have been disgusted to death.
“Commander, come in and show you something good.”
The door was locked, but there was a big hole in the door panel, which he probably smashed. There are two windows with plenty of light. When you get in and take a look, you will see that there are indeed many “good things”.
All kinds of rags picked up from nowhere were piled up in most of the house.
/Zhang Dayong dug out a security guard’s big-brimmed hat from the rags and lent it to the commander as if it were a treasure. He rummaged through another construction worker’s hard hat and put it on his head as a steel helmet. He found that the military commander had no “equipment”, so he rummaged through it again. After four or five minutes of rummaging, he finally found a dirty military hat with a large brim.
It was his kind intention, but he had no choice but to wear it no matter how dirty it was.
“Commander, are you sleeping here?” Xiao Ding looked through his combat supplies with interest and suddenly turn