assing by discovered him and called the police. The rapist was caught on the spot. Given Zuo Yuxi’s background, the case could have been kept to a minimum. The reason why it caused a stir at the time was because an amateur photographer happened to be among the passers-by and took a few photos. Later, the photos became the police The powerful evidence for the conviction, and then the photos were circulated through unknown channels, and the resolution was actually quite high.

assing by discovered him and called the police. The rapist was caught on the spot. Given Zuo Yuxi’s background, the case could have been kept to a minimum. The reason why it caused a stir at the time was because an amateur photographer happened to be among the passers-by and took a few photos. Later, the photos became the police The powerful evidence for the conviction, and then the photos were circulated through unknown channels, and the resolution was actually quite high.
As you can imagine, rumors were rampant in Qingzhou overnight, and various versions were circulated among the agencies and the market. Zuo Yuxi first resigned He took an administrative position, then left the education system, but ultimately failed to withstand the pressure and died. And the rapist also committed suicide in the detention center out of fear of crime.
He was merely deprived of a little boy’s self-respect, and that man was deprived of his right to live.
Wen Liang stopped and clenched his fists fiercely. His 16-year-old skinny body did not feel full of strength at all. It was undoubtedly wishful thinking to stop a professional who was struggling in the market.
Call the police?
/In an era when there were no telephones, mobile phones, or even 201 recharge cards, calling the police was really a technical job. Wen Liang has lived in Qingzhou for twenty years and has never troubled the police. He doesn’t even know where the nearest police station is.
/Find someone?
Apart from himself, the woman and the young man, there were only stars overhead and reflections under the lamp on the entire road. I really don’t know where the passersby mentioned in the newspaper are? If Wen Liang hadn’t just been reborn, he was a little confused and took the wrong path, he wouldn’t have passed through Dongjie Alley.
A low exclamation came from behind. Wen Liang turned around suddenly and saw only a pair of beautiful long legs kicking beside the car. The high heels left two shallow marks on the ground and disappeared from the boy’s eyes. .
There, there is a small dead end!
Wen Liang finally made up his mind and looked around. Sure enough, there was a lot of construction debris not far ahead. Wen Liang knew something about it. In 1995, it was the early days of Qingzhou’s urban renewal. In order to save costs, some construction companies secretly loaded construction waste into pickup trucks or tricycles at night and found a remote place in the city to dump it. Residents often go out early in the morning and find large piles of cement ash, brick scraps, broken steel bars and other garbage piled in front of their homes or not far away, almost like small advertisements, which has become the psoriasis of Qingzhou. The alley where Gu Wenyuan and Mu Shanshan were fighting just now also had two piles of garbage like this. Later, the Qingzhou Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government ordered five functional departments to jointly manage the situation for a long time. It was not until 1996 that there was a slight improvement.
Now, in Wen Li