great success against Gu Shitong in the past few times because I didn’t push him to a corner. It hurt his bones, so he gritted his teeth and endured it. But this time it was different. Gu Wenyuan was his only son. Not only was he seriously injured, but he might also be sentenced to three to ten years. His life was completely ruined. He If he doesn’t get angry, he won’t be Gu Shitong who has been in Jiangdong for more than ten years!”

great success against Gu Shitong in the past few times because I didn’t push him to a corner. It hurt his bones, so he gritted his teeth and endured it. But this time it was different. Gu Wenyuan was his only son. Not only was he seriously injured, but he might also be sentenced to three to ten years. His life was completely ruined. He If he doesn’t get angry, he won’t be Gu Shitong who has been in Jiangdong for more than ten years!”
Gu Shitong’s anger is actually within the range that can be dealt with, but Zhuang Shaoxuan is different. Wen Liang is not in the same order of magnitude as him now. With just a few clicks, people can be transferred directly from the Ministry of Public Security, causing the people in the Qingzhou City Bureau to be overwhelmed and exhausted. What’s even more worrisome is that the investigation team of the Ministry of Public Security is clearly only on the front line. If Qingzhou still doesn’t understand, it is conceivable that there will be a steady stream of troubles in the future, and the scope of the impact will also spread from the city bureau. The consequences caused at that time The impact was not as minimal as it is now.
/Due to the last crackdown on piracy, Zhuang Shaoxuan had a deep grudge with Qingzhou. However, Phoenix Bird’s momentum was too great at that time and there was a nationwide rectification movement. Qingzhou eventually let him go and had to give up. But the anger in his heart has not dissipated. What he lacks is a reason to cause trouble. This is one of the reasons why Gu Shitong came to find him. The enemy of his enemy is his friend. People who share the same hatred and hatred make it easier to form an alliance.
Otherwise, Zhuang Shaoxuan knew that doing so would make Yu Peidong unhappy, so he might not have gotten involved! However, after all, he had lived in Jiangdong for a long time, and he had to take into account Yu Peidong’s face, so he only used the investigation team to demonstrate instead of directly launching a big fight.
/“The matter has come to this, and Yu Peidong has spoken again. If we still insist on it, the gains will outweigh the losses, so let’s take a step back.” After
finally pushing the matter to this point, Wen Liang is naturally not willing to accept it, but sometimes it is like this, and we can’t help it. You do whatever you want. Liu Tianlai was silent for a while and said: “Young Master Wen, if you are worried about me, there is no need to worry about it. Although I, Old Liu, dare not say it is all right, I know the right measures and I guarantee that the investigation team will not find any problems. ”
Wen Huaiming also rarely expressed his support, saying: “God’s word is right, you are not afraid of the shadow. With the evidence in our hands, we can definitely make this case a solid case. No one can overturn it, so you don’t have to worry too much!” ”
If you can’t find the problem, it doesn’t mean you can’t punish the person. Don’t underestimate that person’s energy. Although Jiangdong can’t let him do whatever he wants, he