intercom on the desk. Said a few words. As soon as the woman finished speaking, on the second floor of the sports stand next door, two young girls wearing the same uniforms, in front of thousands of teachers and students in the audience, slowly pulled out a two or three-meter-long banner and wrote:

intercom on the desk. Said a few words. As soon as the woman finished speaking, on the second floor of the sports stand next door, two young girls wearing the same uniforms, in front of thousands of teachers and students in the audience, slowly pulled out a two or three-meter-long banner and wrote:
countless teachers and students. , including the students in Class 5 who had been praying for Wang Bo to “reveal the secret” but failed, were Nani directly confused? Why is this? Isn’t it word puzzles, catch-phrases and brain teasers?
While countless people were in a state of confusion, Wang Bo’s fans were the first to rush to the prize-receiving platform where Jiang Mei was.
“Congratulations! Keep up the good work!” Jiang Mei smiled and handed a radio to the panting round-faced student in front of her.
“Thank you sister!”
The mystery of the ultimate prize continues to be revealed. The puzzles are all beyond everyone’s expectations. Countless people beat their chests and sighed. But for those senior fans of Wang Bo, they laughed out loud, went crazy with joy, and felt that their idol was so good that they deserved to worship him!
/Chen Xiang’s winning of the award gave Wang Bo some comfort as all his friends were not completely wiped out.
Liang Ya and Zhong Jiahui, who had eaten rice noodles at Wang Bo’s rice noodle shop countless times, knew everything about Wang Bo and the rice noodle shop. If the two women tried to guess riddles, they would probably have nothing to do with the people around them. Of course, Wang Bo wanted to avoid this. He prevented the two women’s fate in advance and strictly prohibited them from revealing it to their friends. Wang Bo’s domineering behavior made the two girls “very unhappy” and said that he “turned his arms outwards.” After Wang Bo promised “many benefits,” the two girls let him go.
The first eight small prizes were taken away one by one, and in the end only the one worth 7888, the real ultimate grand prize, was left! Under the gaze of countless people who stared intently or even held their breath, the waiters at the two rice noodle shops in the sports stands on the second floor slowly unfolded the white scrolls in their hands as if displaying a masterpiece:
Wang Zi’an left it in the study room. Which star’s album is that tape?
Many thanks to brother “Yang Shengfan” for the generous reward of 10,000 starting coins!
Thank you very much! You’re welcome, brother!
Thank you very much to the guy who gave me a total of 1,200 starting coins for the generous reward of “100 names with the same name”!
Thank you very much to “kevinzkr” for the generous reward of 1,000 starting coins!
Thank you very much to brother “I’m really a stone” for the generous reward of 1,000 starting coins!
Thanks to my brother “Original Intention, Yichen” for the 500 starting coin reward!
/Thanks also to the Might and Magic Wog, the steamed buns smashed on the dog’s head, the boredom for a walk, and the three brothers and sisters for their generosity!
Thank you to all those who s