tment he lives in? Don’t return that “Backstreet Boys” tape, keep it as a souvenir. Hee Hee, Yanzi, you still don’t admit that you were so excited just now. You were chatting with someone so much that you forgot about the tapes you always wanted to return. Isn’t this considered a mess?” After sighing, Zhang Yu suddenly started joking about his friends again. .

tment he lives in? Don’t return that “Backstreet Boys” tape, keep it as a souvenir. Hee Hee, Yanzi, you still don’t admit that you were so excited just now. You were chatting with someone so much that you forgot about the tapes you always wanted to return. Isn’t this considered a mess?” After sighing, Zhang Yu suddenly started joking about his friends again. .
This time, Zheng Yan was indifferent to her friend’s teasing. She just turned around, shook her head in annoyance, and said, “Oh, I originally wanted to return it to him in person and say sorry to him, but it seems I have no chance.” Yes. Send it to him in two days.”
“No, Yanzi! Why are you sending it to him? How can a billionaire lack a tape? Just keep it as a souvenir and don’t give it to me. In the future, when I get married and have a baby, I can still take this tape with me. Bragging in front of the baby!
“Hehe, Yanzi, I think God sincerely wants to create a fate between you and him. You think, he came to study in the studio and borrowed your Walkman, but left the tape behind. After that, you kept the tape on your body for more than a month. But he never came to the study room again. Then you put the tape in the small box in the study room. However, just two days after putting it down, you met him in the frying area of ??the second cafeteria. From then on, you kept the tape with you until you met just now, but you forgot about it again. Do you think this means God sincerely refuses to let you return it?
“So, Yanzi, this is God’s will, so don’t act against it!” Zhang Yu began to analyze the reasons behind this series of mistakes with Zheng Yan.
Zheng Yan bit her lip tightly and thought about Zhang Yu’s analysis for a while. Finally she smiled and said with a sigh of relief: “Okay, I won’t pay it back if you don’t pay it back. Then just keep it as a souvenir. If As you said, after such a long time, he probably can’t remember that he left a tape behind.”
At this time, the two people walking side by side came to the door of the library. Zheng Yan asked Zhang Yu to go back by herself, and she went to sit in the study room. sit.
/“My beautiful lady, please, the thesis defense has been completed, and we will get the diploma and leave in ten or twenty days. Why are you still working so hard?” Seeing that Zheng Yan has to go to the study room at this time. , Zhang Yu shouted immediately, surprised and puzzled.
“Don’t make such a fuss. I will just go up and sit down and pack the things in the small box. I will never come back again. Alas, four years, more than a thousand days and nights, the best years of my youth have been I have dedicated it to it and am about to leave. I feel a certain kind of relief, but for a while, I feel a little reluctant to leave.” Zheng Yan turned to look at the three-story library on the steps on the left, with a complex expression on her face, filled with deep reluctance.
Zhang Yu was stunned and looked at the familiar three-story building, understanding the feelings for Zheng Yan here. Zhang Yu held Zheng Yan’s hand a