hina’s science fiction cause and make selfless contributions. In the previous life, Liu Chixin was able to reach a height and popularity comparable to that of a traditional first-class writer, which had something to do with Yao Junjun’s loud voice and constant communication. Therefore, Yao Junjun later had the joking term “the man behind Liu Chixin”.

hina’s science fiction cause and make selfless contributions. In the previous life, Liu Chixin was able to reach a height and popularity comparable to that of a traditional first-class writer, which had something to do with Yao Junjun’s loud voice and constant communication. Therefore, Yao Junjun later had the joking term “the man behind Liu Chixin”.
Wang Bo told Yao Junjun that he is currently writing, and has already written more than half of it. The novella “The Wandering Earth” is expected to be completed in half a month. It is a standard science fiction novel.
“Brother Yao, thank you for your kindness. But can you call back in half an hour?” Faced with Yao Junjun’s excitement and passion, Wang Bo didn’t know what to say.
“Okay, Brother Yao. I have something to do. Let’s talk in half an hour.” Wang Bo said unnaturally, and then hung up the phone.
However, facing “Science Fiction World”, who was kind to him and regarded him as an acquaintance, he was a little embarrassed to speak out if he asked for conditions and benefits. So, he planned to call Cheng Wenjin, the agent, to speak on his behalf and negotiate with the other party. He doesn’t come forward directly and bargain with the other party without being embarrassed. Even if the negotiation breaks down, it won’t be so embarrassing. There is still room for change between the two parties and they will not become enemies.
This is also a very important purpose and reason for the existence of brokers. Whether they are singers, actors, or best-selling authors, basically they are all cultural people. Generally speaking, they are relatively thin-skinned. When dealing with cunning businessmen, sometimes it is difficult to save face and it is easy to suffer losses. At this time, it would be much better if there was a professional agent who could speak on his behalf and coordinate the relationship and interests between the two parties. Even if the business fails in the end, people are still there, and singers, actors, or authors can maintain their elegant image of “staying away from the smell of copper.”
Cheng Wenjin, who received Wang Bo’s call, didn’t hesitate, said hello to the people below, slipped out of the library, picked up her lady’s bicycle in the shed, and started riding towards Wang Bo’s home. In the past, if she had something to go out, she would usually tell Liu Zhiji, but since the “attempted rape” that happened during the group visit last year, she is extremely disgusted with Liu Zhiji, a man with a human face and a beast heart. Even if it is a job that is honorable, she will Too lazy to do it. Love so and so.
/Thank you very much to Xiu Dad and Brother for the generous reward totaling 3,000 starting coins!
Thanks to Brother Squid for the 500 starting coins!
/I would also like to thank Might and Magic wog, Happy Potatoes, rjrjrjrj, Yellow Pages, Yesterday and Last Year, The Other Side, Soul Sorrow, Traveling Under the Starry Sky, Forgotten Eyes, Microwave Slowly, and the 10 brothers and sisters of Pengyi for their generosity!
Thank you