ing rain started shooting down from the ceiling with thousands of arrows. The rain hit the window lattice, making a crackling sound, and the thunder became louder, and nature began to play its own symphony.

ing rain started shooting down from the ceiling with thousands of arrows. The rain hit the window lattice, making a crackling sound, and the thunder became louder, and nature began to play its own symphony.
Liang Ya patted her chest, her little white-haired face showed an extremely lucky and wise expression, she looked at Wang Bo and said: “Xiao Bo, it’s a good thing you came over tonight, otherwise, I’m afraid of this damn weather. I don’t dare to sleep anymore!”
“Afraid of thunder?” Wang Bo took Liang Ya’s little hand and sat on the sofa again. Liang Ya was about to sit down, but she saw Wang Bo patting her thigh. The girl only hesitated for a moment and then sat down gently.
“Be afraid, I’ve been afraid since I was a child!” Liang Ya put her body into Wang Bo’s arms and put one hand around his neck. “If you want to make a list of things you are afraid of, thunder will definitely be included. Top three! Every thunderstorm night is a torturous night for me. Unless I fall asleep, my hands will never leave my ears.” ”
Really? Then why didn’t I see you when I moved the flower pots just now? Cover your ears?”
“Aren’t you here?” Liang Ya twisted her body and said coquettishly, “It’s much better when someone is around me. If I am alone, I will be very scared.”
When she said this , another thunderbolt flashed, and then Wang Bo felt the girl in his arms tremble, and he basically believed the girl’s words.
/Sitting on Wang Bo’s lap, Liang Ya told him all the embarrassing things about being scared by thunder and calling her mother when she was a child. Wang Bo listened with interest at first, but it didn’t take long for the girl’s weight and the familiar feeling emanating from her body. The body fragrance and the various rubbings on his ears and temples caused by sitting on him made his heart feel like grass growing, and he began to be absent-minded and distracted.
/“Oh, I was also afraid of thunder when I was a child. At that time, I wished I could become deaf and didn’t want to hear the terrifying sound of thunder. But after I entered junior high school, the situation got much better, and I gradually became immune to the sound of thunder. “Absent-minded Wang Bo responded to the girl’s words casually, and the palm originally resting on the girl’s waist began to slowly squirm and climb up. After a while, he grasped a small mountain peak on the girl’s chest through a layer of T-shirt.
Liang Ya, who was sitting on Wang Bo, stopped talking for a moment. She looked down at her lover who was holding her, but she saw that Wang Bo was looking up at her with wide eyes. At the end of his eyes, there was something extremely familiar. Something that made her heart beat faster.
Liang Ya bit her lip, touched Wang Bo’s face with her hand, moved her eyes to the side, and whispered: “Go and take a bath.”
“OK! Together? Wang Bo said with a smile, but his hand left the treasure he had just held.
“What a beautiful idea!” The girl fell from Wang Bo’s thigh like a whirlwind. He stood up with a smile as bright as a flowe