hief Alai’s office together. Tian Ziyi got in front of Yao Junjun and made a fool of the Zhongshan wolf who was arrogant and domineering. The description shocked Alai.

hief Alai’s office together. Tian Ziyi got in front of Yao Junjun and made a fool of the Zhongshan wolf who was arrogant and domineering. The description shocked Alai.
“Editor-in-Chief, it’s like this. The person who proposed these conditions to me was not Wang Zi’an himself, but his agent. How about I call Wang Zi’an again and confirm with him what he really means?” Yao Junjun didn’t want Tian Zi to Tian Ziyi completely ruined Wang Zi’an’s image. After Tian Ziyi finished speaking, he quickly interjected.
“What’s there to confirm? What his agent means is not what he means? Without his approval, his agent dares to say these things?” Tian Ziyi said with a look of disgust, “He has only published two novels so far. Moreover, it is a short story, so it has its tail raised to the sky, and even the agent is hired. It is true that good people don’t learn, but they learn bad things! This Wang Zi’an has good literary talent, but his conduct is really ugly. Even when he grows up, he will I think the achievements are limited!”
Alai said nothing, took out his pipe, lit one and held it in his mouth. He pondered for a while, looked up at Yao Junjun and said, “Xiao Yao, tell the agent Wang Zi’an Tell me your story from beginning to end.”
/“Okay, editor-in-chief.” Then, Yao Junjun began to tell Alai from beginning to end how he contacted Wang Zi’an today and what Wang Zi’an said. , including what his agent said, was repeated to Alai word for word.
After Yao Junjun finished speaking, Ala waved his hand and asked Yao Junjun to go out first. After Yao Junjun went out, Alai took out a cigarette and threw it to Tian Ziyi. After Tian Ziyi also started to smoke, he slowly said:
“Old Tian, ??what do you think science fiction literature is among mainstream literature? What kind of status?”
“Does this need to be said? Grandma doesn’t care, but uncle doesn’t love me! People in the traditional literature group have always looked down on our science fiction circle.” Tian Ziyi said, blowing out white smoke.
“Yes, this is the current situation of science fiction literature in China. It cannot be popular. You see in the European and American world, many people may not know Fitzgerald and Raymond, but when talking about Arthur Clark, Isaac ?Asimov, but everyone knows it. Even in China, people with a little bit of culture know the names of these two people. Their novels were the best-selling works of their time. Use them The movies produced by their works are also popular and the most classic science fiction movies. The achievements and heights their works can achieve, whether literary or ideological, are no less than those of the best traditional literary writers. In terms of audience and dissemination, But it is many times more than the former. But what about in our country? Novelists are all proud of publishing novels in “Harvest” and “October”, and all aim to win the “Spear Award”. Who has the nerve to say that he is writing science fiction? ? The writers in our circle, even Wang Jinkang, the top one at the moment, are just part-t