What you have is not life, you just have a body made of my genes. Even if you have Thoughts, but I deny your existence as a prototype!” Yin Kuang said: “As for whether I am a coward or a villain? Hum! You have your values, and I have mine. Why do you use your values ??to judge? My values? Stop joking and live your life first! Forget it, I’m too lazy to talk nonsense with you. Choose! Die to save the world, or live quietly for a while and then be destroyed together with the world.” People in

What you have is not life, you just have a body made of my genes. Even if you have Thoughts, but I deny your existence as a prototype!” Yin Kuang said: “As for whether I am a coward or a villain? Hum! You have your values, and I have mine. Why do you use your values ??to judge? My values? Stop joking and live your life first! Forget it, I’m too lazy to talk nonsense with you. Choose! Die to save the world, or live quietly for a while and then be destroyed together with the world.” People in
the audience People are already talking about it. What they mainly talk about is “world destruction” and “saving the world”. These people have questions in their heads. It’s a pity that the audience has no human rights. They can only watch and use their imagination to create a series of rumors and gossip, but they will never know the truth of the matter!
/With a “swish” sound, Yin Kuang in red pulled out a thick silver pistol with a full three-dimensional effect. Just as he was about to throw it out, a hand held his hand. That white hand belonged to King Ada.
Yin Kuang said: “What? Do you still want to stage a scene of deep love between mother and son? Stop sensationalizing and be serious, okay? What we are discussing now is the big issue of saving the world!” It
is indeed a very serious matter. But Yin Kuang’s words made him no longer serious at all. However, it is this huge contrast and contradiction that really stimulates King Ada, Wesker, and Yin Kuang in red.
/King Ada looked directly at Yin Kuang and said, “I never thought that the world that I have protected for more than a thousand years would need someone like you to save it.”
Yin Kuang sneered and said, “What’s wrong with people like me?” ? I said King Ada, if you don’t understand me, don’t judge me with your narrow values. I am different from you! Moreover, now it seems that you are wronged and I am a big devil. It’s time for you to stop thinking about improving your own image. That’s how you deal with life. If you need me to use my life to save the world, you have to pay equal value, even if it exceeds, it won’t matter. Yes. If it is not a last resort, how noble do you think I would be to stand up? Stop joking!”
Yin Kuang finally understood why he thought Hong Ye was a lunatic when he talked to Hong Ye before, but now it seems that there are many in front of him. People think he is crazy. There is no way. We have different values, different growth environments, and different visions. There is really no way to communicate.
“I don’t care if you delay time.” Yin Kuang said leisurely, “Even if you tell Isaacs in advance and let him get under my feet and devour me all at once, leaving me too late to commit suicide, I won’t be afraid. As long as I If you don’t want to live, do you think the blessing that exists in my body will work?”
At the same time, Yin Kuang’s words revealed the intention in King Ada’s heart.
Because she did have someone go and tell Isaacs this and that.
Maybe, a clone of Isaacs has arrived below the main city at this moment?