, but I have never seen anyone as stupid as you!” Shen Ku was so angry that he smiled instead of angry, pointing at Liu Qian and asking all his trusted followers. They laughed.

, but I have never seen anyone as stupid as you!” Shen Ku was so angry that he smiled instead of angry, pointing at Liu Qian and asking all his trusted followers. They laughed.
“If you dare to make our boss angry, you will die today!”
“Kneel down quickly! You will suffer less then.”
“Stop talking nonsense with him, just hit him until he kneels!”
Shen Ku said with a sigh. The clamor of the younger brothers and cronies became even louder.
“Kneel down? What a good idea.” Liu Qian also stepped closer to Shen Ku.
Shen Ku’s eyes narrowed, and he stopped for a moment and became a little hesitant, because he really couldn’t figure out why the other party suddenly became so confident, and stopped running away when he saw him, and even faced him towards him. He’s getting closer!
“Are you scared again? So scared that you can’t move forward?” Liu Qian came to a stop two meters away from Shen Ku, pretending to be surprised.
“I’m fooling you!”
Shen Ku suddenly realized something. He knew that his hesitation just now was noticed by the other party again, and after it was pointed out by the other party, all his subordinates must have noticed it, and he couldn’t keep his old face on his face. He suddenly turned red and started yelling at Liu Gan.
At this moment, Shen Ku suddenly felt a sharp pain in his head, and his whole body suddenly became trance-like. In his trance, he felt a figure approaching him, seeming to go around behind him, and then he His legs were kicked hard at the knees, and his legs bent instinctively, and he fell straight to the ground!
When Shen Ku woke up from his trance, he was humiliated to find that he was actually kneeling on the ground, and kneeling in front of Liu Qian!
/Hurry! What exactly is going on?
Shen Ku had been attacked by Liu Qian’s mental shock before, but the power of Liu Qian’s mental shock at that time did not have a big impact on him. It only caused a slight pain in his head when he was extremely emotionally out of control. I was suddenly distracted for a moment.
/Just now he knew that he had been mentally shocked by Liu Qian again, but the effect this time was obviously very different. Liu Qian’s mental shock this time directly caused his brain to temporarily short-circuit and his spirit became trance-like for a moment. He couldn’t even figure out how he knelt down to him in public.
“Ah! Ah! Ahhh!”
Shen Ku punched the ground with his fist. He was so embarrassed and angry that he wanted to die.
Why? Why was he repeatedly teased and humiliated in front of this man who was not even level 10? What kind of magic does he know? How did you do all this?
do not care! He must kill him! Only by killing him can I stop being teased and humiliated by him, and can I reluctantly save everything in front of all my younger brothers and cronies! Must kill him! kill him!
Shen Ku raised his head with anger, his eyes full of killing intent. He tried to stand up, took out his bow and shot Liu Gan, but just as he was about to stand up, Liu Gan struck him hard with a kick. Coming