ow was not too fast. I walked to the small stream and looked into the water. I could barely see my general outline. Sure enough, he was just a child who looked to be two or three years old, but he was quite strong. Because he couldn’t see his face clearly, he couldn’t be sure whether he was reincarnated. It would be fun if I was reincarnated into ancient times and became a savage with the memories of this life.

ow was not too fast. I walked to the small stream and looked into the water. I could barely see my general outline. Sure enough, he was just a child who looked to be two or three years old, but he was quite strong. Because he couldn’t see his face clearly, he couldn’t be sure whether he was reincarnated. It would be fun if I was reincarnated into ancient times and became a savage with the memories of this life.
Just as it was strange, I heard footsteps coming from beside me. I turned around alertly and saw a man slowly walking out of the woods. He was thin and looked like he was in his forties. Wearing a large black robe, the hem of the robe even touched the ground. Compared with the rough animal skin coat I was wearing, the large black robe on this person was simply of a higher quality. What surprised me the most was his facial features. His face was very strange. I have also seen many people with very impressive looks. For example, the short Zhuzi, and the fifth prince Gongzu Yucheng with a charming look on his eyebrows. But when it comes to talking about it, it can’t be compared with the person in front of me. It seems that what I see is not a person, but a black eagle overlooking the sky. A monster that can cover the sky and the sun with its spread wings. I just stared at him. Even though I could remember his appearance firmly in my mind when I first saw him, I still wanted to look at him a few more times. Just looking at this person made me feel scared, but the more scared I became, the more scared I became. The more I want to see his face clearly.
/He walked to the stream and ignored my presence. He slowly squatted down and looked at the clear stream, with inexplicable sadness in his eyes. I have never seen that kind of loneliness. It seems to have been sealed for thousands of years, and it is like a piece of ice that will not melt when exposed to the sun.
“Have you seen enough?” he said suddenly. The voice was cold, as if it could freeze other people’s souls.
I was shocked, quickly looked away, and whispered: “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to do it.”
I don’t know if it was a dream, time travel, or reincarnation. I am not used to my current identity as a child, so I sound like an adult when I speak. The man was also stunned, and immediately shifted his gaze from the stream to my face. We looked at each other at this moment. I can clearly feel that he has seen through me, really seen through me, my mind, my body and even my soul.
“You are thinking about some very complicated things, and there are many mysterious things in your brain. Come here, child.” He waved to me, and I hesitated. This person is obviously not a kind person, and I haven’t understood myself yet. Why did he become smaller and appear here, so he waved his hand hurriedly and said: “That. Haha, I have to go back to the village. I’m sorry, I’m leaving first.”
Even if he wanted to pretend to be a child, he couldn’t pretend to be a child. After that, After saying this, he turned around and was about to leave. But I saw this person miraculousl