e. It may have thought these words carefully for many times before saying it. After saying it, it kept looking at me with its eyes. After a while, it heard me say: “Haha, that’s fine.”

e. It may have thought these words carefully for many times before saying it. After saying it, it kept looking at me with its eyes. After a while, it heard me say: “Haha, that’s fine.”
Nagisa was startled. Because it was leaving me at this most difficult moment of my life, I should have been furious, but instead I smiled, and even that smile didn’t have much terrible darkness in it. Instead, it was pure kindness.
I lit a second cigarette, smiled and said: “Do you think I will get angry? Then yell at you, or even fight with you? Don’t be stupid, we are friends. If it weren’t for you and the fifth prince, maybe I would have died. In the Demon Mountain, I gave the order for the massacre. It has nothing to do with you because I caused this turmoil. You should leave. I am not a stingy person. We will still be friends from now on.”
I stretched out my hand, Nagisa. You hesitated and put his paw gently on my hand. He looked at me and said: “Ba Xiaoshan, you are not a bad person. If one day I can recover my cultivation, then I will definitely come to help you.” “This is my promise to you, Zhuyou!”
“Well, by the way, help me take care of Shen Mengtian after you settle down. After all, she has some relationship with me, and I’m afraid that she will be affected.”
After this night, Zhuyou said. After the fifth prince left the hotel, I was left sitting alone in the empty room. Even though the room was not big, it still felt particularly deserted. I crossed my legs and looked at the gloomy sky outside, thinking to myself, what did I do wrong? After so many years, I worked hard outside and seemed to have friends all over the world. But in the end, when I had to fight against the entire world, there was no one around me. It was uncomfortable to be alone, and I felt like such a failure as a human being. Although some people do many evil things throughout their lives, they can enjoy their old age in peace. However, I have been upright and upright in my life. Until today, I can say that I have never wronged anyone. So why don’t I have any friends standing by my side?
/But I don’t regret it. If I could turn back time, I might regret stepping into this circle, but I don’t regret launching that terrible massacre.
On the rooftop of a house not far from the hotel, two people were looking here with telescopes. One of them observed for a while and then picked up the walkie-talkie and said: “Confirm the target, it is Ba Xiaoshan. Please ask for instructions on the next step.”
came from the walkie-talkie . Reply: “Carry out arrests. One team evacuates the crowd, while the second team rushes into the house to arrest people. If there is resistance, shoot to death!”
I was smoking in the room, and the noon news was playing on the TV. It was cloudy in Shanghai today. Although it was noon, the weather was not very good. It looked gloomy. I wasn’t very hungry, and I was really tired after running away all the time, so I didn’t plan to go out and wanted to rest in a hotel for a day. I pressed the remote control in my hand and kept chan