ace in the circle. Let’s live together, otherwise half of this world belongs to our military family.” This person is not flattering, but what he said is true. As one of the most powerful forces in the world, being able to sit in the upper hand position of the tea party shows the strength of the military family.

ace in the circle. Let’s live together, otherwise half of this world belongs to our military family.” This person is not flattering, but what he said is true. As one of the most powerful forces in the world, being able to sit in the upper hand position of the tea party shows the strength of the military family.
“You are still too young, and you know too little about things in the world. That old man is very capable. If you had dared to say this a few decades ago when he was still the head of the Xuanfeng Sect, he would have A sword can kill you. And we, the military family, will not come forward to protect you.” The expressions of the few people who said this changed slightly.
“I can’t come forward to deal with people in the rivers and lakes, but it doesn’t mean that I can’t ask people to save me. Although he is old, he once stood on the top of the rivers and lakes. The old man was very close to the earthly immortal.”
The aqua blue long sword , the breeze blew his coat, and he had walked to the center of the field.
/He had forgotten how long it had been since he stood in the eyes of everyone, his eyes wandering. He raised his head, sadness filling his cloudy eyes.
“Old leader, why are you here?” Someone from the Xuanfeng Sect stepped forward and asked.
Senior Guan smiled and said, “Today, one of my little friends is trapped. I’m here to help him out.”
“Senior, are you kidding me? Isn’t the old friend you are talking about Ba Xiaoshan?” The disciple asked immediately, but unexpectedly saw Senior Guan nodding slightly. At this moment, everyone was stunned.
“Don’t you know that Ba Xiaoshan was intercepted and killed by people in the world? Now he is a public enemy of our entire world. If you come out to help him at this time, aren’t you digging your own grave?” Someone shouted loudly from the front.
Senior Guan smiled and turned around and walked up to me surrounded by black energy. He glanced at the black skull. The black skull immediately floated back and said, “Taoist boy. What do you want to do?”
“Take care of him, and you don’t have to worry about anything else. “Senior Guan bent down and looked at me. Looking at me, there was a hint of sadness in his eyes, and he whispered: “When people are young, they will always go through a lot of ups and downs. Some people are unable to recover, but some people can break through the waves and be reborn. I couldn’t stand up again back then. And you should be the latter.”
He stretched out his hand and gently stroked my hair through the black air.
“You want to deal with so many people by yourself? And the masters of Shenmen? Taoist boy, with all due respect, I’m afraid it won’t work without the cultivation of Earth Immortal.”
“Haha. Really?” Senior Guan stood up and shook slightly When he touched the sword flower, he saw a blue sword energy swaying with the aqua blue sword tip. Black Skull thought he was dazzled. I just saw the blue sword energy clearly, it was just a sword flower that was shaken out gently. Why is there sword energy?
“Old leader. Do you