ess black mist slowly appeared all over his body. A series of bulges protruded on his back, pushing up his clothes. The seventh layer of the original demonic body underwent new changes.

ess black mist slowly appeared all over his body. A series of bulges protruded on his back, pushing up his clothes. The seventh layer of the original demonic body underwent new changes.
Like a resonance. A blood-red rune slowly lit up on his forehead. His body began to rise gradually, and the muscles on his body were also twisting and rolling violently. Black and red things like scales grew on the surface of his skin.
A white bone spur suddenly pierced Lin Xin’s back.
Then came the second, third, and fourth
bone spurs. More and more bone spurs protruded from his back, and soon formed a long back spur extending from top to bottom along the spine.
His back began to arch slightly, and the outer parts of his thighs swelled, splitting two symmetrical holes, and two complex dagger-like bone spurs sprouted out of the holes.
On the forearms of both hands, hose-like muzzle-like things were constantly growing out, attached to the outside of the forearms.
Each arm seemed to be tied with dozens of miniature gun barrels, but the green and black channels behind the barrels grew directly into the flesh of the body.
His ears grew into strange shapes like bat wings. At this time, it suddenly opened and made a crisp sound.
ah! !
A sound like a woman’s scream came out of the bat’s ears.
Countless sound waves turned into oscillating transparent ripples, spreading in all directions with Lin Xin as the center.
Inkenhouse Sakura also had to open her soul realm and turn into a demon body to resist this shock.
At this time, Meng Xinruo’s black blade also arrived in front of Lin Xin. Two black blades that were almost as big as others, one on the left and one on the right, struck fiercely, as if they wanted to cut it off.
The four long swords behind Lin Xin were unsheathed at the same time. All the sword lights were covered with a layer of plasma and turned into four red lights that instantly hit the black blade.
At the same time, Lin Xin took out the Silkworm Moon Sword with both hands and lifted it from bottom to top. Three times the power suddenly exploded.
clang! !
Before the terrifying sound could fully spread, the moment the two black blades were held up, countless black crystal spikes suddenly spewed out from their blades like living creatures. An overwhelming blow hit Lin Xin in the face.
Puff puff puff.
/Black crystals like raindrops were like diamond-shaped ice crystals, hitting Lin Xin’s door one after another. It kept making a dull sound like hitting wood.
Lin Xin was repeatedly hit and pushed back. The entire face was smashed and twisted, with blood and bone fragments flying out.
Destruction and healing are constantly intertwined, making his entire face more bloody.
All the black crystals continued to fall down, then exploded, turning into countless fragments of gravel, which gradually surrounded Lin Xin. Within a few breaths, they were completely wrapped up and solidified into a huge irregular black crystal.
Meng Xinruo stared coldly at Lin Xin in the crystal, all