ng for you to want war horses, but it’s another thing to send troops to quell the rebellion. Everyone is on the battlefield and their lives are on the line. But I Let’s see who dares to accept your gifts!”

ng for you to want war horses, but it’s another thing to send troops to quell the rebellion. Everyone is on the battlefield and their lives are on the line. But I Let’s see who dares to accept your gifts!”
Wang Zhiyun was suddenly stunned.
The next moment, he took a deep breath and gave a deep salute to Li Yongsheng, “This salute is my thank you for telling the truth on behalf of the soldiers. I have never admired someone so much. You are the first and only one. ”
Li Yongsheng waved his hands disapprovingly, “I’m not that noble, but I’m just a little less selfish.”
Then Wang Zhiyun gave some more instructions, and the two parties agreed on a code word. Finally, under the guise of transporting military supplies, Li Yongsheng and the others were driven out in a large truck. Military housing.
When they arrived at the outskirts, the three of them took a chance and slipped into a forest.
When Zhang Laoshi acted, he was as quiet as a ghost. Although Du Jingjing was fast, she was somewhat inferior to Fangzheng – originally, people in the Dao Palace were not used to being sneaky.
But seeing the movements of her two companions, she was a little unhappy. Standing in the woods, she snorted, “Isn’t Wang Zhiyun a little too careful in what he does?”
Zhang Laoshi looked at her lightly and said nothing. Speaking, it was Li Yongsheng who spoke up, “This kind of thing involves the lives and deaths of tens of thousands or even millions of people. No matter how careful you are, you should be careful.”
Du Jingjing certainly understands this truth, but she is also a person who loves to argue, “Tens of thousands It’s possible for people, but the millions of people you said are a bit exaggerated, right?”
Zhang Laoshi shook his head slightly, but still didn’t speak.
“Why are you exaggerating?” Li Yongsheng looked around, finally determined the direction, and answered casually, “Have you heard of it? Because of a missing horseshoe, a messenger was killed and a war was lost. Destroyed a country?”
The three of them started to rush on their way, but Du Jingjing kept chattering to herself, “That is just the most extreme situation. How can anything in the world be such a coincidence?”
Li Yongsheng turned his head to look at her, and then spoke seriously, “You don’t realize at all what what we are going to do this time means. I just want to ask you if the spies of the Crescent Kingdom find out about it, what action do you think they will take?”
Zhang Laoshi Rolling his eyes helplessly, he said to himself that I only let you see two secret caves, so you don’t need to stimulate me like this, right?
Of course, he also knew that he was just being taken along. What Li Yongsheng said was theoretically possible – the possibility was not small.
Du Jingjing kept her mouth shut. She liked to argue, but that didn’t mean she would mess around.
The three of them walked forward and came to a hill, where a man and four horses appeared.
/This man is an old man, with the cultivation level of a mid-level cultivator, but judging fr