they do every day?”

they do every day?”
“Office workers in South Africa have a lot of free time to arrange by themselves, but they don’t like to go out after work because of safety issues. Most people stay at home. Unlike in China, where there is so much nightlife, there is almost no nightlife. People come out to go shopping.”
Lao Lu patted. Thighs, a heartfelt sigh.
As a veteran police officer, Lao Yuan had enough reason to be proud and said angrily: “Those people in China who say that police officers are freeloaders should really come to South Africa. I don’t know of other places. At least in our town of Sigang, you can go shopping at night, and you can boldly go shopping at night. When you go out, you don’t have to worry about someone blocking the road and robbing you, let alone being robbed with a gun.”
Li Xiaolei stumbled over with her son in her arms, and when she was next to Mr. Li, she added: “Shops will also close at 4 or 5 o’clock, and the latest will not be later than 9 o’clock, especially in the city center. Shops usually close before 6 o’clock. The security situation in the city center is the worst, so most shops dare not open late night stores. If they do so too late, they may become the target of gangsters.”
“I used to say that if you don’t go to Beijing, you don’t know how young the officials are, and if you don’t go to Dongguang, you don’t know how much money there is. Now I can add that, if you don’t go to South Africa, you don’t know how good China’s public security is!”
” I can work so hard to make an appointment with you today, negotiate with him tomorrow, and urge another one the day after tomorrow, even if I have no energy.” With his old leader who “single-handedly promoted” him, Han Bo has nothing to hide.
“This is now, and it was quite chaotic before, so it is still necessary to crack down hard.” Lao Lu looks at the problem objectively and has always supported the crackdown. He misses the public arrests, public trials, and public sentencing meetings of those years.
Sometimes I really can’t talk to these cadres, and I can’t even talk about their profession.
This time I came here to have fun, not to study the security of South Africa.
/Mr. Han changed the subject again and asked with interest: “Xiaobo, I heard from the boss of the sanitary ware business that South Africa is easy to make money. Is it true?” ”
Compared to China, business here is quite easy. South Africa Many goods rely on imports, and South Africans have no sense of crisis. They spend whatever they earn and dare to spend. We Chinese are hardworking and do a good job here. Almost all of them are bosses and can basically make money.”
Li Xiaolei She has been at the embassy longer than her husband, and has received more influence from the embassy leaders than her husband. She said with a smile: “You can’t just think that South Africans are lazy. People in different places have different values. They are slow-paced and optimistic. This is People’s lifestyle can be said to be a kind of simple happiness.”
“That’s right,