t?” Yuan Wangqiang said.

t?” Yuan Wangqiang said.
“It’s okay! I was a little uncomfortable at first, but now I’m basically used to it.” Xia Xue said, but she was thinking about the house that the other party found for her. “Brother Qiang, can you call the landlord now and ask her Are you free? If you are free, I think I would like to sign the contract now.” ”
/Oh, I forgot if you didn’t tell me, okay, I’ll call the landlord right away, but Xuexue, although the location of the house is good, but really It’s very small. The bedroom, bathroom, and even the kitchen all add up to five square meters. It’s a question. Why don’t you wait? I’m currently busy choosing a topic for my thesis. After I finish this period of time, I’ll help you again. How about you find a bigger house?” Yuan Wangqiang said.
/Xia Xue complained in her heart and thought, after you finish your work, I guess I will have to sleep on the subway like those homeless people.
“It’s okay, Brother Qiang. Although the sparrow is small, it has all the necessary facilities, including a bathroom and a kitchen. It’s pretty good. Besides, I’m not alone. No matter how big the house is, I can’t live in it. Please help me make an appointment with the landlord. I want it as soon as possible. Sign the contract and move there as soon as possible. My current house is due to expire in three days, and the landlord doesn’t plan to renew it. If I can’t find a new house, I will have no choice but to be a homeless girl!” Xia Xue joked.
Yuan Wangqiang saw that Xia Xue was resolute and knew the girl’s difficulties. In fact, it was probably not that the landlord refused to renew the lease, but that he felt that the current place he lived in was too expensive and wanted to change to a cheaper one, so he stopped persuading and asked Xia Xue to wait for two minutes. He immediately called the landlord.
A few minutes later, Yuan Wangqiang asked Xia Xue to take her passport, a copy of the school registration certificate and money directly to the new house. The landlord would come over and sign a contract with her in half an hour. He would also leave immediately to follow him at the new house. Convergence.
“Thank you, thank you, Brother Qiang, thank you so much. After signing the contract later, I will treat you to dinner.” Xia Xue thanked him hurriedly and breathed a sigh of relief. The house Yuan Wangqiang found for her was not only closer to her current school, but also cheaper. It only cost 300 euros per month, while the one she rented now cost 500 euros a month. She almost saved half of it. It’s what she values ??most.
Half an hour later, Xia Xue got on the subway and hurried to her destination, only to find that not only Yuan Wangqiang had arrived, but his roommate Chen Ziyang had also arrived.
“Brother Yang, are you here too?” Xia Xue asked in surprise.
“Haha, isn’t this okay? I’m almost getting moldy after staying in Lao Yuan’s apartment all day long. Come out for some air.” Chen Ziyang smiled.
Like Xia Xue and Yuan Wangqiang, Chen Ziyang is also an international student at the Univers